Last updates
SuSpect3 updates Feb 07, 2024SuSpect2 updates Oct 28, 2019
SuSpect3 Versions and Notes
SUSPECT v3.1.2
- Extension of the PDGID object for the future use in the susyhit package
SUSPECT v3.1.1
- The SLHA file reading moved from the suspect object to the SLHA4suspect object
- Bugfix of copy constructor (overprotection) of SLHA4suspect
- All sfermions radiative corrections to use pole masses (permil effect on pole masses), not only third generation
- Gluino: moved radiative corrections to pole mass
SUSPECT v3.1.0
- Please refer to the paper for a detailed manual-like description
- Major rework to become fully SLHA1 compatible
- Several SUSPECT specific input variants updated
- Model list simplified
- Model list extended with Inflation
- EWSB type decoded from the input. Setting the required EWSB in a separate input block, inherited from suspect2 has been removed.
- Bottom-up and HighScale MSSM removed and replaced by the configuration of the MSSM (mainly) and the SUGRA variant, details in the paper
- Energy scale configuration made SLHA compliant
- add support for SLHA2 block QEXTPAR for the Higgs mass parameter μ
- The first and second generation supersymmetric scalar fermion parameters, previously identical, are fully independent.
- The full one-loop radiative corrections in the chargino and neutralino sector are calculated on the chargino and neutralino pole masses instead of applying approximate effective corrections on the underlying parameters before mass diagonalization.
- The option to use the tree-level running mass of the pseudoscalar $\Aboson$ as input for EWSB has been added.
- The option of using the experimentally measured Higgs boson mass as input in EWSB to determine the trilnear coupling At has been added.
- The values of scale dependent parameters at scales other than those defined by the model is now available for all models and not only for the MSSM.
SUSPECT v3.0.1
- The coding complex numbers in a method of RadCorrHiggs is not compatible with CentOS. The method is not used in the standard calculations, it has been commmented out.
- Thank you to Giordan Stark for the report!
SUSPECT v3.0.1
- Radiative corrections for charginos and neutralinos corrected
- Main effect is the off-diagonal correction of the chargino matrix
- Thank you to Amit Adhikary for the report!
SUSPECT v3.0.0-beta
- Radiative corrections for charginos and neutralinos corrected
- New treatment for RC when the shift between pole mass and running mass leads to offshell/onshell changes
- Thank you to Inga Strümke and Jan Heisig for their report.
SUSPECT v3.0.0-alpha
- New radiative corrections for charginos and neutralinos
- New radiative corrections for first generation sleptons and sneutrinos
- Many minor bugfixes
Fixed GMSB
- Fixing GMSB input scale
3rd generation bugfixes
- Adding full (one-loop) radiative corrections to sbottoms masses (previously was in the leading contributions approximation)
- Bugfix for stops mixing angle
- Minor bugfix in stops masses radiative corrections
Bottom quark mass bugfix
- Bugfix for bottom quark mass input
RGE integration and tanĪ² bugfix
- fix bug when tanĪ²=1
- improvement of the safety of RGE-integration routines
Top mass bugfix and addition of Top-down mssm
- Bugfix for top mass as input (wasn't properly transmitted to SLHA)
- Top-down MSSM added, see examples/ directory
- minor bugfix in stop radiative corrections
- additional protections in SLHA
Small mu and SLHA
- bug for mu small than 0 fixed
- more robust SLHA reading
- a README has been added with installation instructions and help for common issues
Compilation on mac
- compilation problem on Mac fixed
Updates for SuSpect2
Version 2.43
- Few bugs corrected (gnu fortran read/write issues; one bug related to light Higgs mass stability at very high soft scalar terms for low (EWSB) scale input with MA_pole, MU input, see details here
Version 2.40/2.41
- compatibility with latest SLHA (ver 2) input/output files and conventions. ! users of previous ver 2.34: please read here about some input convention changes to conform SLHA
- Improved algorithms for some input choices (typically MA_pole,MU input etc)
- Faster RGE algorithm
- NB none of these modifications affect the 'basic' spectrum calculation, so sparticle masses should be identical to ver. 2.34 (up to minute changes due to slight modifications in RGE algorithms, precision, etc...).
Noteworthy features of version 2.3/2.34
- Consistent calculation in the DRbar renormalisation scheme of Higgs mass radiative corrections at one-loop + dominant 2-loop (courtesy of Pietro Slavich routines and input). Plus many additions/improvements in other radiative corrections, few bugs corrected (see details in section "Modifs/corrected bugs" below).
- -Options to read input and write output files in the "Les Houches accord" (SLHA) format (see hep-ph/0311123).
- -Information in output files on experimentally constrained (g_mu -2, Br(b to s gamma),..) or theoretically constrained (fine-tuning) quantities.
- Full two-loop Renormalization Group Evolution for all beta functions.